Sunday, 13 November 2011

Task 5b - Codes Of Practise/Regulations which steer the ethical framework in the my work place.

The information below was gathered from my originations Equal Opportunities Policy, Health and Safety Policy and my Code of Practise Documentation.  (RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (RCA) Riverside Centre, 297A Durand Close, Carshalton, SM5 2BT.) I have read through these documents many times before and before stating my employment at the Riverside I had to sign to say I had done so.
Equal Opportunities Policy
·         Riverside Community Association (RCA) is an organisation committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and elimination of racial discrimination.
·         Employment procedures and practices will be undertaken strictly in accord with the following and all other relevant legislation:

Race Relations Act 1976
Sex Discrimination Acts 1975-85
Equal Pay Act 1980
Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

·         RCA will monitor and keep under review its procedures and practices to assess the impact of the policy in the following areas:

i.                    job descriptions/person specifications
ii.                  wording, presentation and media used for advertising
iii.                response to advertising
iv.                 short listing from returned application forms
v.                   interview assessments
vi.                 offers of employment
vii.               acceptance of offers
viii.             number of leavers and reasons for leaving
ix.                 access and uptake of train opportunities (internal) / and further education (external)
x.                   existing staff ( employment and re-view of employment)

·         Complaints of harassment against paid staff, Disciplinary Action, representation.


The aim of this Policy is to outline THE RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION’S statutory obligation and commitment to the health, safety and welfare of its EMPLOYEES, volunteers and customers. The Objectives are:

·         To outline legislative framework
·         To provide statement of intent
·         To outline areas of responsibility within the organisation
·         To clarify procedures and arrangements
·         To provide guidelines on carrying out policy and provide standard forms for assessments

Here is a list of the contents in this document-

·         Aim of Policy
·         Statement of Intent
·         Organisation and Responsibility
·         Executive Committee

·         Director

·         Health and Safety Officer

·         Appointed Person

·         Procedure in the event of an accident

·         Arrangements and Procedures

·         Fire

·         Insurance

·         VDU or Display Screen Equipment

·         Individuals with specific needs

·         Pregnant Women

·         People Affected by Disability

·         Violence towards Staff and Volunteers

·         COSHH Regulations

·         Risk Assessment

·         Manual Handling

·         Safe and Healthy Working Environment

·         Stress Management

·         Part 4 – Code of Practice

·         Key Responsibilities

·         Risk Assessment

·         COSHH Assessments

·         Lone Working

 The information I have provided you with is not even half of the information that is within these documents but I have broken it down to the policies key points.
Comparing these key point to the points I previously made in Task 5a I think some point are very similar which is a good thing as in task 5a I did this without looking at any professional documents or statutory sources.


Alan/MDX said...

Hi Tanisha,

Yes this comparison was interesting. What you might do is explore and compare in more depth. For example what was included in the official policy that you did not think of and Vice Versa? Why? Was it a surprise? I think you need to stay engaged with the comparison to make some more useful insights.

Paula Nottingham said...

Tanisha yes - giving some examples such as the ones that you gave in the campus session show that your actually put a lot of thought into applying this ethical practice and have been active in developing your knowledge in your field of youth work. Both the people you work with, the 'youth', and the people who employ you, the charity, are important in the equation of ethics at work. I think your ethical practice might relate to tacit knowledge, what you know and understand from doing the job, and the give-and-take required to hold the trust of these two diverse groups.