Sunday, 25 March 2012

Interview Questions

Here are several questions I have asked some of the young people whom I work with over the last 3months, I am sharing these questions (with a bit of tweaking) with you guys on the Bapp course to get some answers out of you!

1. Do you have a role model?
(If yes who? if no why not?)

2. Do you see youth workers as positive role models?
(Yes or no why?)

3. What do you think of when you hear the term youth worker?

4. What quality would you say is more important in a youth worker? One who has degree level in youth work qualifications? Or years of experience within a youth work environment? (one or both, explain your answer)

5. As a young person would you of felt more comfortable talking to a male or female youth worker about personal issues/problems? (male/female or both)

6. What lesson at school did you enjoy the most?
(Who ran that lesson a male/female teacher?)

7. What lesson at school grade wise did you do the best in?
(Who ran that lesson a male/female teacher?)

8. If ‘Time Out’ youth services were recruiting a new youth worker, what type of person would you prefer?
A Young professional- 18-35 (male or female?) or a mature professional- 35-65 (male or female?)

9. What personal qualities do you think you need to have to be a good youth worker?

(Comments, feedback and answers to these questions are welcome from all please)

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