Tuesday 7 February 2012

Notes on Campus session 1- 7/2/2012

Here are some brief notes on our 1st campus session module 3-
-We spoke about realistic deadlines and how we can map out our time as we don't have that long now! ( very helpful to do as you can allow time for your profession, uni work and time for yourself!)
- make an effort to blog at least six times between now and Mays deadline for submission. ( see Paula's blog for more info/help)
- touched upon briefly about gaining external professional feed back and it's benefits.
- looked at the inquiry cycle which consists of 5 steps, those of which we are advised to take in order to complete the cycle.
- to get started with our inquiry paula advised that we look at what we already have and what we still need to start our individual inquiry's.
- moving forward and making decisions is vital at this stage of the course.
- During my inquiry i will be prepared for small things to go wrong.
- We then did a short activity, mapping out where we feel we are currently at this encouraged me to set myself action plans.

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